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March is celebrated as Women's Month around the world, and this month is a time to celebrate the influential women in our lives. Not only our mothers, grandmothers, sisters and friends; but the women who are currently paving the way for other women in a society that is constantly trying to reverse the progress we've made.
So thank you to all the women who have graced the Democratic debate stages with their presence for showing little girls that women can and should run for the highest public office in the country.
Thank you to the brave women who testified against Harvey Weinstein to get their rapist convicted and to give other women the courage to come forward with their own stories.
Thank you to climate activists like Greta Thunberg for demanding change from politicians who put profit over the future of our planet.
Thank you to the bold women in congress who have been making their voices heard and standing up for what's right.
Thank you to authors who write stories with female protagonists (especially the children's stories).
Thank you to the women who are killing it in a traditionally men's role at work.
You are all an inspiration and you are appreciated beyond measure.
Dates to Remember This Month
All month long it's National Women's History Month
What women are you grateful for this month?